Tuesday, September 25, 2012

My views stands! Does that mean I'm wrong???

While at the PSC steam room, in the midst of sharing, an acquaintance complained about her despicable friend. That this friend of hers who is obviously jealous of her presumably better life, just could never cease to taunt her over everything she does!! 

Ha ha! Sounds familiar! Don't we all experience that sometime or other in life?? But why allow yourself to be annoyed by someone who kept hurting you, I asked of her.

I would shy away from such people and if confrontation still persists, it will be an eye for an eye!! I'd never allow myself to be trodden upon!!

Then she went on that this friend has always assumed herself always right, no matter how wrong she was many a time. As such, would never allow room for self-betterment!!  

Oh, yeah?? To this, the  Capricorn Pig, I am, offered my differing views!! 

If her friend should feel at all comfortable with her decision, so be it!! Who is to judge, RIGHT or WRONG? 

I'm pretty sure all would have known about what I'm going to elucidate further! Case 1: A half full glass to me may be viewed as half empty by you! Case 2: There are two sides to a coin...I see numbers, you see an emblem!

In both cases, neither you nor I am wrong!!

To cite an experience, I was adamant about sending Al-Wyn and Ca-Ryn abroad to further their education hoping that they stay rooted to me.

Though I had been labeled possessive, selfish and conservative and that it was about time I changed my mindset, I still maintained my stand till today.

But, as fate has it, though both graduated locally, their careers take them away from home....Al-Wyn, a financial controller with an MNC in Singapore while Ca-Ryn, based in Beijing, is an assistant to the vice president of the richest lady in Mongolia dealing in gold mines!

However, if situation is such that I'm destined to be alone, why fight it but accept it gracefully?? 

Even if I can turn the clock back, my decision would still be the same! If I can have it my way, I'd still rather have them by my side! 

Just as there are some who advised that Ca-Ryn should be home with me as I don't need her fat salary to sustain a living, there are those who opined that her bright future should not be compromised!

There you are! By allowing her to stay on, I'm avaricious, asking her to come home, I would be selfish! So where does this leave me??

Whatever, there are always TWO SIDES no matter how thin we slice....

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Excerpts from searches online...my Western/Chinese zodiac signs....

These are upstanding people who genuinely care about the welfare of people. They are hardworking, motivated people who are the first to speak up when something needs to be done.

"Its better to give than to receive" would probably be the Pig’s motto. Pigs are more comfortable giving of their own time or attention than they are to ask others for it. They do not find asking for help an easy task and would rather carry the burden themselves. Pigs will do anything they can to maintain a sense of peace amongst family or friends. This can lead to a tendency to be taken advantage of, but Pigs basically forgive and forget everything. They are compassionate souls who simply want to keep the peace.

Pigs are devoted mothers and fathers. They are affectionate and loving, supportive and caring parents. They are homebodies, preferring to stay at home with their families than to go out on the town. A Pig’s priority is his children, and curse the man who dare to hurt his child or to lay a hand upon him. A Pig can be a real monster when he feels his family is threatened.

As much as Pigs love food they would truly enjoy a culinary experience on vacation. When traveling they tend to dine at the finest restaurants, eat the richest chocolate and drink the most expensive champagne. In addition, their natures to be relaxed and laid back would lead them to an easygoing vacation somewhere on an island or in a resort where they can hang out and be completely taken care of.

Pigs are great friends to have on your side. They will nurture you, care for you and make sure you have everything you need. In times of trouble, Pigs are genuine friends who will give you the shirt off of their backs if you need it. They entertain their friends and host parties as often as they can. Any chance to gather n a social setting is enough for a Pig to have a party and most of the time, he doesn’t really need an excuse to host one. They are loyal and good-natured, always willing to lend a hand or an ear.

I've decided to 'UNLIKE' the pages...... I can bear no more.....

For a while, since liking the pages, I find myself pretty entertained by the comments exchanged pertaining to posts shared by MDDB and MIAR. 

MDDB is more action oriented and with a very much greater audience and, support in terms of donations....

Efforts taken by the NGOs in saving and caring for the strays were undeniably commendable! Though I've lost count of the moments I had cried over the photos, stories and videos shared....I was never so depressed as I am now over the recent sharing by MIAR.... Had wanted to attach the video and photograph depicting the Koreans treatment of the canines....which had since been removed... I guess may be due to the protests from some who do not take to the sharing.....   

It has brought a flashback from the scene I witnessed at the wet market while in Vietnam.

Tears had sprung to my eyes then, when my eyes met those of two white ducks which were placed lying on their tummies with their feet bound, on top of a crate amongst several chickens.

They were literally pleading to be saved from being slaughtered, with their eyes and faint quacks. It had struck me at that very moment that they could have been our canine friends.... 

I made a momentary vow then to abstain from consuming meat.... a vow which was not honored as heading home, at the airport, from Burger King, I ordered 2 pieces chicken wings.......

I have till today still find it hard to resist any dish that spells chicken, crabs, lobsters, prawns or fish....

To steer away from guilt, I find myself citing the above being staple foods for mankind, just as the mosquitoes being food for the lizards, worms for the birds, smaller fishes for bigger fishes, smaller animals for larger ones....a predator prey cycle...

Yeah, I know and I'm sorry...very lame, my excuses for being a BEAST of prey.....

writtten on 15/09/12 8.49 am

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Dedicated to all, who have, in one way or another, contributed to the well being of the strays......

Since Sunday evening, I had been viewing photos, videos and reading comments shared in the Facebook pages of SOS, MIAR and MDDB.... 

There were moments of joy that had me laughing in stitches and moments of sadness that had me raining tears onto my iPad..... 

I marveled at the commitment and perseverance of these NGOs and some individuals in helping the strays.....  Much as I love these canines, I can't visualize myself dashing around saving these vulnerable strays the way they did! 

They have earned my utmost respect and I really do feel ashamed of myself....

A simple SOS on the FB Wall sends concerned volunteers responding swiftly and scuttling to the rescue as in the recent case at Segamat. 

A bitch and it's newborn puppies were captured by the local council on 30/08/12 which demanded Rm200 for their release failing which all will be euthanized by the 2nd week. 

Even not at the scene, sitting within the comfort of home, just by reading their posts, I was emotionally moved by their compassion for the innocent strays.  

Whatever, all ended well with the intervention of a SOMEBODY! 

And just as I was referring back to FB for details, this popped up..... 

My God! Such cruelty does exist.....

It has been 2 hours now since this was posted and the poor thing still could not be located by individuals rushed to help out at the scene..... 

Let's pray hard that this too ends well....

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Are these NGOs not working towards the same GOAL??

While trying to garner support from my group of friends who are mostly dog lovers, to purchase tickets for a charitable night event, I was sad to learn about PASS's reluctance to collaborate with the other NGOs namely, SPCA Sungai Petani, MDDB, MIAR. 4PAWS and PHS to resolve the strays issues. 

They have questioned PASS's restraint to kick start the saving of strays when it had already been allocated the land and had received generous donations. 

Oh yes, they do understand that there are building by-laws and what not to comply with when building the animal shelter, but could PASS not erect a temporary make shift shelter to house the strays which need immediate care and attention whilst waiting for the council's approval which may take umpteenth months? years?.... and the targeted donation sum of Rm500,000 be met? 

As they have cited, the main objectives are to PROVIDE THE STRAYS a better home and keep them free of danger whilst waiting to be adopted and to SPAY/NEUTER THE STRAYS to curb further, the multiplying of strays! 

Procrastination may threaten the lives of the VULNERABLE STRAYS and see to the emergence of more pitiful UNWANTED PUPPIES..... 

Perhaps PASS has valid reasons which it can share? 

I have forwarded to one of the organizers, an email written without malice but only to clear whatever misconception the public who had contributed in one way or another, may harbor.....

For your information, Penang Animal Sanctuary Society was abbreviated as PASS, Saving Our Strays, Penang as SOS, Malaysian Dogs Deserve Better as MDDB, Malaysian Independent Animals Rescue as MIAR, Penang Animals Welfare Society as 4PAWS and Penang Humane Society as PHS.