Thursday, March 31, 2011

Miss her awfully!

Sent Ca-Ryn off 5.30 am en route from KL to Beijing. Her 2 months' leave as an administrator in a recruitment firm was over in a blink and won't be back till July for uncle Leslie's son's wedding!

What started her off as an intern for 6 months July 2010 has landed her a permanent job, much to my dismay! "Mom.... where else can I secure such offer whereupon YOU DECIDE when I take leave?! Just any moment you need me, I'd be back!" she promises. Looks like I have raised a daughter for her lady boss who finds her indispensable.

Since her convocation has been postponed to October due to the universities' revamp on semester breaks etc. nation-wide, I relented......

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Should I feel flattered or annoyed?

Thurs: 7.46pm ..... "Leena, I've just sent Po Cai, Money and her puppies for boarding till coming Tuesday. Just wondering if you mind checking on the pups as I'm doubtful about Becca's experience?" While most may be swearing .... hey what the heck ....I ain't the operator no more and take offence,..... I feel otherwise. It gives me a sense of pride that they sought my assistance.

My only concern though is that Becca might feel I'm nosing while I'm trying my utmost best to ensure continuation of customers' support for her. She should understand and not feel churlish as TRUST is built through TIME and OBSERVATION of her DEDICATION! The least she can do is to maintain my already established clientele.

I gladly obliged and took several shots. How they have grown from my earlier post. As wrestling and horse-fighting is natural at this age, my immediate advice to Becca is to have their nails trimmed and filed to minimise clawing into the eyes resulting in ulceration.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Small world, it is!

Al-Wyn joined a new company as of January 2011, and it was only weeks back that he realized  his colleague's poodle was one of my regulars since puppyhood. Apparently, since the handover of my business, his wife has not been patronising the shop, citing distance the reason and lately, having tried other shops close to her home, was disappointed that none was as ahem good as me! Told me that she misses my services awfully.

Happy Tan still, is one of my many favourites, handsome, adorable and cuddly,as a toy......

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ca-Ryn vs Me!

I'm finally leading far with a score of 6640, almost double Ca-Ryn's 3400!! Now, I can wipe the smug smile off my darling's face! Taunt me, she will not, anymore! With both obstacles overcome, I'll have more time for my canine kids!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Ca-Ryn vs Me!!

"Watsaa time?" "4 am" Ca-Ryn responded while fumbling in darkness to have her iPad charged. "Mom, I nearly beat you!! Urgh!" "So, what's your score?" "5008" "Really? Unless you break my score 5097,I'm still the winner of BubbleXplode!" I mocked, rubbing into her sore. Ca-Ryn leaped from the bed and made for the iPad vowing to break my score! "Bedtime now, there's always tomorrow!" I gibed. Anyway, it took me weeks to break her high of 4848 then and have yet to break her high score 3400 from my 2760 in the Puzzle Ball game!!

My darling always challenges me with her targets and has been trying hard to beat mine! Haha... just see what record high she's going to set before she leaves for her job in China! Incidently, my darling did not stay up late just to beat my score.....she has been observing the owl's hour since varsity days ... the only time for girlie sharing through net without mom prying! When questioned about the wee hours, preparation of the university's thesis was always the excuse she offered her NITWITTED mom!

Many find me childish but I find such games grease my otherwise rusty brain! Oh, yeah, the iPad is by far, the most wonderful gadget apart from my mobile phone, of course. Since having it, (Ca-Ryn claimed it's rightfully mine now!) there was never a day I can do without it. Going on line and surfing the net is so convenient just anywhere, especially when sorry having my bowel moved!.... used to hunt for reading materials before dashing to the queen's throne! The other handy moment is whilst we were waiting to be served our meals while dining out! Only set-back? .... blogging not made user friendly!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Value for money!

Set up by a team affiliated to the Smokehouse Hotel's operator, Restoran Village BBQ & Steamboat should be highly commended for their efficiency! While every other potential restaurateurs then, were complaining of time constraint due to the festive season, this group was able to accomplish within 3 weeks the opening of their business on time for the Chinese New Year celebration!

One may opt for the wide range of reasonably priced ala-carte menu apart from the semi buffet promotion. I particularly fancy the butter milk crabs and charcoal bbq prawns! The cuisine is bound to satiate appetite of the gourmets!

However, for comfort, dress lightly if you do not wish to be drenched in perspiration while the management looks into installation of the air conditioners!!

Mmmmm............. just can't wait till tonight for another round of CRABS and you too ....... take advantage of the RM1 PROMOTION! Zoom into photo on top for details!!

Happy FEASTING..................

(Haha....wonder if my penchant for crabs contributes to my CRABBED attitude!! When I was pregnant with Al-Wyn and Ca-Ryn, I craved and ate a lot of crabs too, much to my mom's dismay! She believes in the myth that my children will be born with meddling hands as proven by Ca-ryn's curios touch on just about anything when she was a toddler!!!)