Saturday, March 12, 2011

Ca-Ryn vs Me!!

"Watsaa time?" "4 am" Ca-Ryn responded while fumbling in darkness to have her iPad charged. "Mom, I nearly beat you!! Urgh!" "So, what's your score?" "5008" "Really? Unless you break my score 5097,I'm still the winner of BubbleXplode!" I mocked, rubbing into her sore. Ca-Ryn leaped from the bed and made for the iPad vowing to break my score! "Bedtime now, there's always tomorrow!" I gibed. Anyway, it took me weeks to break her high of 4848 then and have yet to break her high score 3400 from my 2760 in the Puzzle Ball game!!

My darling always challenges me with her targets and has been trying hard to beat mine! Haha... just see what record high she's going to set before she leaves for her job in China! Incidently, my darling did not stay up late just to beat my score.....she has been observing the owl's hour since varsity days ... the only time for girlie sharing through net without mom prying! When questioned about the wee hours, preparation of the university's thesis was always the excuse she offered her NITWITTED mom!

Many find me childish but I find such games grease my otherwise rusty brain! Oh, yeah, the iPad is by far, the most wonderful gadget apart from my mobile phone, of course. Since having it, (Ca-Ryn claimed it's rightfully mine now!) there was never a day I can do without it. Going on line and surfing the net is so convenient just anywhere, especially when sorry having my bowel moved!.... used to hunt for reading materials before dashing to the queen's throne! The other handy moment is whilst we were waiting to be served our meals while dining out! Only set-back? .... blogging not made user friendly!