Well, if you ASK me, my everyday life is measured by the time. Not too long ago, my children were locked out of home for failing to meet at my shop for a pre-arranged 7 pm dinner. Still no sign of them after their repeated "should be there in 10 minutes..", I left for home at 8.20pm fuming all the way back!
"We were sourcing the dvd converter for you.." explained Ca-Ryn while Al-Wyn protested with a "Mom, why enforce the military hour when I'm supposed to be enjoying my vacation, away from work pressure and all!"
"WELL SAID.... holiday or otherwise. the world does not come to a standstill! Tick-tocking of the clock goes on! If an appoinment cannot be met, then don't fix it! As for the converter, that can be done any other time!" I bellowed at them!
I'd shoved grooming appointment for the dogs to ensure my dinner with them was not disrupted and yet....... Worse still, when they are fully aware I'm nuts over PUNCTUALITY!!
While in business, my then customers were never kept waiting for the collection of their pooches groomed!
See the clock in front of my throne? I even timed myself spending moments there!!