Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Due to viral attack, it was not until yesterday that I was able to check all my mails. Many questioned our canine friends' comprehension of mankind's intelligence! Without a doubt, they do understand, failing which, how can they be trained to even come, down, sit, stay, attack... perform tasks of herding cattle, tracking down drug trails etc so to speak.

There was a big CRY over the INHUMANE TREATMENT of a poodle recently, acts of which we abhor and sadly not able to curb....pain inflicted onto pets by owners through their own IGNORANCE of proper guidance!! If only all these culprits can be brought to justice.....
Watch this video e-mailed by Anne (Jingles's owner) and witness for yourself the fruitful Accomplishment of a FANTASTIC trainer!!!

Observe the joyous interaction between master and dogs. What fascinates me is the formation of the bee-line and the locking of a bridge by two dogs for the other dogs to leap over, and how they automatically come together again when they broke their grip!

You will notice too, how the dogs dart for their treats.... like I had stressed in my first blog that ............ it's the TREATS that does the TRICKS!!

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