Sunday, February 6, 2011


7.30am .... Half way through having my bladder eased, the door chime sounded.....oh yeah, my darling leaving for his home in KL! I scurried down the stairs to a closed door....I opened the door to find my son's car face drowned in tears, how could he have left without my bearish hug?.... Just then, my hubby came from the back of the house.

Amidst tears, I chided him for not waking me up to send Al-Wyn off. He was quick to mumble his apologies..... I darted up the stairs... Ca-Ryn upon hearing my sobs, hugged me, and as one would console a two year old, murmured.... "Miss kor-kor? Don't worry, I'll bring you to see him..." ....and, with that, she went into her deep slumber again..

Then... the good news via a text message! 9.26am...Money has delivered 2 puppies! Diana must be so overwhelmed with sending messages and calling that I couldn't call through to congratulate her!

Money (schnauzer) and Po Cai (poodle) are regular boarders at Poochville, their second home! I miss them awfully.