Posters and banners offering rewards have been put up for their safe return!
One week later, Teng Teng brought all, Ah Bee and Sweetie have since been returned, minus Peddy to be groomed for the Chinese New Year and this morning Peddy was returned!! They have apparently wandered from their home in Jalan Lim Lean Teng to the Methodist Boys' School! Swift action taken by Teng Teng to put up banners and all.... and the kind Samaritans who reunited the darlings and yet refused the rewards offered, saw to the JOYFUL REUNION!!
(From left: Papa Ricky*Sweetie*Shaggy*Kawaii*Peddy*Mama Fifi)
Papa Barney*Miu Miu*Mama Sasa*Bebe*Tou Tou
Since puppies, this family never missed out on their weekly bath at the pet shop be it rain or shine! I literally watched them growing from tiny fur balls into handsome adults ! Save for Barney who needs firm handling, the rest are very responsive in nature. Anna, Becca's sister cum assistant had problem reaching out for Bebe though! From left: Lady * Prince * Princess * Mama Angel * Rocky * Papa Lucky!
Every household must have one....and, in this case, Lucky is the difficult one...who takes to nobody but me! They were regular lodgers at my shop then!
Bidding farewell to them brought tears to my eyes. As their mummy reiterated, pet shops are aplenty but to find one whom she can entrust to watch over her darlings in her absence is not EASY!
Thank you and all, for making special trips to the pet shop to display your APPRECIATION... thank you, I will surely miss you..... take care ........