Thursday, February 23, 2012

Hands up!

It has been one of those 'off' days every other day for the past fortnight! Damn it! Problem with the network connection again!

I have always count on Ca-Ryn to pave the computer world for me and am an idiot to anything computer related! When Ca-Ryn was around, she had always expressed impatience when I sought her assistance over anything trivial or so it seemed to her!!

It was the kind of impatience she will never exhibit to peers or friends when her PC guidance was needed though! Guess it is different with Mom as it is gonna be an on-going frustration!???

"Oh Mom! It is not as if you command of English is poor that you fail to comprehend. You're simply not making an effort to explore on your own!" she would cry in exasperation!

"Oh really? Would I then be a computer wizard with the knowledge of English that I possess??!"

When there were pops-up showing "There is an ip address conflict with another system on the network." or "Choose wireless network........" or " This network requires a network key......." or your mouse simply ain't responding, is merely the comprehension of English able to have the problems resolved?

Not so. My earnest attempt to tackle the problems I'm encountering proved futile! I've had the USB hub and mouse's batteries changed but still the problems persisted! Looks like I need to have the software revamped!

Until then, my life is doomed! Cannot imagine days without the COMPUTER :( :( :(

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