"Runny nose?" queried Aderlyn to my choked up voice when she called last night at quarter past ten. "Oh no, you're crying! Wassat matter?" she was all concerned.
Yes! I was crying! I was in deep pain! I felt miserable!
The unbearable throbbing pain persisted even after 7 hours from the time I was gnashed by Cuddles while breaking up the fight between her and Crunchy!! Her teeth had sunk deep into my palm! I had been crying uncontrollably for some 30 minutes then, simultaneously, cleaning up the blood that kept oozing from the wound!
After my narration, Aderlyn insisted I had my punctured skin attended to by professional care!
As if I would when I have always believed in cicatrisation!
My ORDERLY PARKED, precious Camry was grazed at the bumper at New World Park while I was dining at the Starview Restaurant the night before!
Had my hands been on the culprit, I would have had this fxxxxxx IDIOT of a BITCH, MUTILATED!!!
While many may brush this off as trivial, it is a sore sight to me!
Apparently, the twitching of my right eye on the first day of the week was itself a fore warning of some unfavourable happenings! ....sigh..........