And, yes, familiarizing with the computer! It is embarrassing being computer illiterate and without a doubt, a career suicide in the corporate world! My computer literacy however, is only as much as been guided by Ca-Ryn before she left for Beijing with ahem, some marked improvement lately!
My present greatest and only obstacle is improving on my parking skills which unless is overcome, is a roadblock to my progress in search of bliss! I avoid going places and shy away from social gatherings because of parking disability!
I bet my admission astounds many as I've always been regarded a woman of substance! Weird that something easily accomplished by many, should pose a hurdle to me!
Ng, Ca-Ryn and Leslie had always been my nonsalaried chauffeurs and I was happy and contented with the arrangement!
Mastering parking with my Camry, 189" in length, or even my 187" Estima is NO EASY TASK! Once overcome, will see to me participating in more activities!! Wish me success!